Here are all of the posts that have the tag #interview

Cloud computing: How to build a business case

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ZDNet visited AWS today and sat down with me to discuss the steps for creating a successful cloud adoption business case.

Financial Times: A wilting relationship

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A person reading the Financial Times newspaper

John Willman, Business Editor of the Financial Times approached me for comment on the relationship between British business and Gordon Brown’s Labour government.

Financial Times: Just an Illusion

London | Published in Archive | 10 minute read | Share this post on X Share this post on LinkedIn Share this post by Email Copy the Permalink to this post London, United Kingdom

A picutre of a female reading the Financial Times

What’s going on with British business? Can the UK economy really be struggling? With PwC’s global survey of CEO’s revealing an upbeat picture the FT asked me for my views.

IoD News March 2007

Brussels | Published in Archive and Board | 10 minute read | Share this post on X Share this post on LinkedIn Share this post by Email Copy the Permalink to this post

Following my attendance at the ‘Future of Europe’ seminar hosted by the IoD in Brussels in February, I was invited by the Institute to contribute to an article on doing business across borders.

Arena Magazine (Supplement)

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A scan of the Arena magazine supplement featuring the finalists of the Arena O2 X Club Awards

In addition to appearing in Arena magazine in February, I was also featured in Arena’s February 2005 supplement – Start Your Own Business – which featured companies, ideas, and advice that could make starting your own business less stressful.

Arena Magazine

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A scan of Arena magazine highlighting Mario Thomas and other finalists in the Arena O2 X Club Awards

I was featured in the February 2005 edition of Arena Magazine as an entrant in the annual Arena O2 X Club Awards. I was later shortlisted for the Entrepreneur of the Year Award and attended the Awards Ceremony in London. It was close, but sadly, no cigar. Dinner and my mug-shot in my favourite magazine was a win though.

Growing Business Magazine

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A scan of the Growing Business magazine article featuring Mario Thomas

Last month I got to sit down and talk to Growing Business magazine about how Chapter Eight started life, how the business is growing, what it’s like doing business in Leeds, and what our plans are for the future.