Here are all of the posts that have the tag #totalcostofownership

Planning a cloud migration? Here are 27 things to consider

Llantwit Major | Published in Cloud | 10 minute read | Share this post on X Share this post on LinkedIn Share this post by Email Copy the Permalink to this post

Sleek, modern visual representing cloud migration, featuring cloud icons, data streams, and abstract representations of cost analysis and business value benefits. The design conveys the sophistication and strategic considerations involved in cloud technology.(Image generated by ChatGPT 4o)

From peak CPU and peak RAM, to decommissioning costs, there’s more to think about than TCO. How can you assess (at a detailed level) whether migrating X application to the cloud is going to make sense for your organisation?

re:Invent - Getting ready for a large scale migration to AWS

Las Vegas | Published in Cloud | 47 minute watch | Share this post on X Share this post on LinkedIn Share this post by Email Copy the Permalink to this post

Today I presented at AWS re:Invent on the key considerations organisations should make as they consider a migration to the cloud from their on-premises data centre. Joining me on stage was Greg Cope of the Financial Times who shared stories from his experiences in migrating to AWS.