£125m of ecommerce in 2012

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The figures are in, Chapter Eight processed over £125m of ecommerce transactions in 2012 – that’s 21% up on 2011 and PCI DSS Level 1 certified to boot.

Top 10 things to ask your ecommerce partners

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Whilst at today’s Merchant Agent Risk Forum (www.merchantagentriskforum.com) in London, a topic that frequently came up was that of the types of due diligence merchants* should be undertaking when evaluating an agent* to build and operate a website on their behalf that accepts payments.

Taking the Headache out of International eCommerce

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Creating an ecommerce website that supports multi-currency transactions is a monetary minefield. Looked at and discarded as too complicated by many website owners, especially smaller companies, here’s my ten point check-list of the key areas you need to consider when selling outside the UK.Creating an ecommerce website that supports multi-currency transactions is a monetary minefield. Looked at and discarded as too complicated by many website owners, especially smaller companies, here’s my ten point check-list of the key areas you need to consider when selling outside the UK.

Write On: The importance of content writing

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It’s all well and good having a shiny website with lots of products and fancy images but if you don’t have the right content running throughout the website, the success of it will be seriously hindered not least by its inability to surge up natural search engine results. From the moment a website is launched, content plays the key role in ensuring your website evolves into a successful presence on the World Wide Web. However, content writing is often an afterthought – something you ‘retro fit’ to your website after it has been built, or been live for a long period of time. So I’ve taken a look at some of the mistakes people make when it comes to website content and the best ways to get the most out of it.

Pass it on...the wonderful world of Viral Marketing

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As relentless as the common cold, a slew of brand new viral marketing campaigns are marching across the world entertaining recipients and creating new channels to market for those brave enough to give them a try. But what is viral marketing and how should your business be using it?When people think of viral marketing, it tends to conjure up images of email junk and underhand marketing techniques. Yet for all these negative connotations, it is a marketing tool that should not be ignored. With that in mind, I have taken a closer look at what viral marketing actually is and how it can benefit your business.

Credit crunch? Google doesn’t care

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Despite the country slumping further into recession, it seems we won’t find any sympathy from our old friends, Google. The Internet giants last week announced plans to increase the service fees it charges to its online merchants using their Google Checkout service – leading to fierce criticism from angry vendors.

Why no news is bad news

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It is not so much eMarketing’s best kept secret as its most under used asset. Despite the variety of benefits of sending out newsletters, a remarkably large number of online businesses are still not utilising this promotional avenue.

How not to build a website

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A couple of months ago I received a telephone call from one of my clients telling me that their website had been copied by a competing company – I thought I’d follow it up this weekend and to my surprise, the copycat website is still live.

Social Media: Asset or Avoidable?

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To some their life would be empty without it, while for others it is something to avoid like the plague.For those who are already au fait with the likes of Facebook ,Twitter and My Space , you will know how easy it can be to spend hours on end joining obscure groups or seeing what that shy, yet strangely attractive, old school friend is up to nowadays.

How the credit crunch affects online spending

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Whilst The British Retail Consortium (BRC) this week warns that high street spending is down, it seems that there is no stopping the rise in online shopping. The BRC reports that March’s figures for high street spending were the worst since July 2005, when bad weather hit sales. The results have confounded expectations that this year’s early holiday period would boost the High Street.