Arena Magazine

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A scan of Arena magazine highlighting Mario Thomas and other finalists in the Arena O2 X Club Awards

I was featured in the February 2005 edition of Arena Magazine as an entrant in the annual Arena O2 X Club Awards. I was later shortlisted for the Entrepreneur of the Year Award and attended the Awards Ceremony in London. It was close, but sadly, no cigar. Dinner and my mug-shot in my favourite magazine was a win though.

Leeds Media Bulletin

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A picture of Mario on his appointment to the Leeds Media Board

My appointment as a non-Executive Director of Leeds Media is featured on the back page of the Winter 2004 Bulletin.

Growing Business Magazine

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A scan of the Growing Business magazine article featuring Mario Thomas

Last month I got to sit down and talk to Growing Business magazine about how Chapter Eight started life, how the business is growing, what it’s like doing business in Leeds, and what our plans are for the future.

BBC Radio Leeds visits Castleton Mill

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Castleton Mill is home to Chapter Eight and several other digital companies. Today BBC Radio Leeds paid us a visit to have a look around and find out more about this little corner of Leeds that has turned into a home for some of the city’s most exciting digital businesses.